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3 Types of Supporters

What I've noticed this past 3 years is that a lot of people are focused on being their own boss, and starting their own business which is absolutely great. However, with so many people doing their own thing, you also get to see people's true spirit just by they way they support, or don't support you. In my personal experience, I have noticed that there are three type of supporters. There are those who support you genuinely, those who support financially, and those who support anonymously. The ones who support you genuinely will tell you up front what they agree, or may disagree with your visions or ideas. They keep it absolutely real with you, and give constructive criticism that help you learn and grow. Genuine supporters are usually the ones who have been with you and you can trust them, they just get you and understands you. The second supporters that I've experienced are people who support financially. These type of supporters don't have to necessarily know you, but they like your products, or ideas and want to see you grow and create more. Lastly, there is the anonymous supporter who supports from the shadows, they will promote your business for you, like your social media content and will just put the word out there because they like your ideas and want to help make it known to the public. They don't necessarily have to spend a dime, but you can tell that they care. An anonymous supporter can also be a hater which, they may not know, but are sometimes your biggest supporter because they are always checking out your websites or social media pages, and keeping you in the algorithm. There is no supporter greater than the other because any support is favor from the The Most High. These are my personal experiences with support since creating my own beauty skincare products. What are some experiences have you endured since starting your own business, or even just trying something new?

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Unknown member
Jul 26, 2022

I agree with your view point, I have yet to start my own business but from observation and how people come in and out my life I can agree. My favorite support is genuine support. Where you don't have much of a reason but only good intentions tryna make a beautiful difference, supporting others who desire the same. I love when I can trust someone based off knowing their genuine support. I appreciate any support when it's real but genuine support stands my favorite. It takes time and wisdom to see the differences.

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