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Mica Powder or Plant Powder?

When I first started creating Natural Soaps, I watched many videos from YT and read a ot blogs because I didn't want to miss anything before I started. However, the internet changes all day everyday so there are always new ideas being added. So, when I first started creating soap I wanted to make all different types of beautiful colors, and scented soaps. I researched scents and found that Essential Oils are much more natural than Fragrance oil, and some oils even naturally color soaps like Ylang Ylang and Orange essential oil. I colored my soaps with natural mica powders which which is also used in makeup and other cosmetics. There is nothing wrong with using fragrance oils or mica powders, but after doing more researching and reading, I found that you can create soap without those ingredients with only plant based ingredients and still get beautiful colors and amazing scents. Yes, it may cost a little more out of pocket, but the benefits are absolutely worth the penny, and the thought of knowing that your products are 100% plant based ingredients makes you even happier. I love Essential oil as well, but there are plants that can give your soap natural scents as well, but the Essential oil will give an extra boost. I am excited about my new soaps that I'm going to be creating over the next few months because I have been researching new recipes with only plants and herbs in the recipes. Stay tuned and keep glowing!

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