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Team Natural

There is no greater feeling than the feeling of using your own handmade all natural soap to cleanse your skin daily. For many years, I used a popular brand of soap not just on my body, but my face also. Although I never had an allergic reaction to these soaps, later in my adult life after I met my husband and children, I realized that I didn't necessarily have any issues with the products, but they did. So, I had to find a solution to this problem because I couldn't' t be the only one washing up lol. So, my husband and I sat down with our laptops and started researching natural plants, and herbs that were beneficial for the skin, and the results were life changing. Fast forward, after a few years of purchasing brands that only used natural ingredients, it started to become a little "out of budget", but we loved the results, and really couldn't start going back to the old products we used. Once 2020 came, and we had to start making better money decisions, especially for self care, we decided that it was time to start making our own natural products for skin and hair needs. Since then, we haven't looked back and we are always researching new ideas and exploring new plants. In conclusion, all natural ingredients are the most effective in my opinion, for skin care needs and hair as well. Take a chance and try making your own skin care products, and see how it makes you feel afterwards. Start with something small like an oil, or body butter, or soap like we did. Soon, it will open doors and broaden your mind to much more!

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